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Month: July 2018

Saint Louis 2018 ASL tournament

I just completed my 2nd ASL tournament. I started playing ASL around 13 months ago, and I played in the ASL tournament last July and again this past weekend. The tournament is three days at the end of July and offers a total of five official games – two Friday, two Saturday, and one Sunday. i say official games, because many people get a chance to play additional games in between if time permits. I played six games this weekend, winning one for an official record of 1-4. It was only my second win in full ASL, so I am more than happy to get the one. I had fun, I learned, and I got better. I call it a success.

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Thoughts on depression and anxiety

Hi, Adam here, I run this little podcast and I wanted to talk a bit about my own experience with mental illness and gaming. I hope to maybe find other people that experience the same things and to maybe learn some coping mechanisms.

I suffer from depression and anxiety. This is often a one-two punch that keeps me from living my life to the fullest. It greatly affects my socialization and by extension my gaming.

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