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Episode 55 Shownotes

Founders Beer

Radioflash but it was depressing and not really in line with what I want to do for content. I haven’t finished it yet. It feels as uplifting as The Road.

Bolt Action

The League


Warhammer 40,000 – Warhammer 40,000

Empire of the Sun (2005)

The U.S. Civil War (2015)

Hungarian Rhapsody: The Eastern Front in Hungary – October 1944-February 1945 (2020)


discount code is COG2019 Mike is now printing Heroforge miniatures! Buy the file from Heroforge and Mike will print it for you. Also, you can search for stuff on Thingiverse and I think that Mike can hook you up with printing stuff from there. The rights might change from model to model.

July 23 Update from GMT

Numenera for DnD 5e

Modiphius and Adam Koebel agree to remove Adam’s contribution to the Dune RPG. Adam’s blog post in comments.

Fantasy Flight Previews BX-Series Droid Commandos For Star Wars: Legion

… and Clan Wren Mandos!!

Published inShownotes

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